Saturday, 10 April 2010

Day 38 All About Laughter

I'd love to say I'm getting progressively closer to forming an opinion on what Happiness is, but I'm not. Neither am I shedding cynicism about the Happiness Industry.

The concept of a state of happiness is a nebulous, indefinable entity. Even that description in itself is a definition and up for debate. You can view the industry as a movement, or, as I prefer, a large ice-cream sundae. Lay the chocolate brownie foundations of philosophical musings – as equally questionable and up for scrutiny as the other layers. Yes Nietzsche, Kant, Mill and Bentham (JUST BURY YOURSELF BENTHAM)… no shelter under the façade of profundity for you. Top with lashings of party political ice-cream nonsense about increasing happiness levels (happy people take less sick days = better for the economy. That's all folks), positive psychology theorizing, and add the caramel sauce of scientific testing to ooze between the layers. Finally, top with a frothy, creamy layer of fiscally motivated charlatans and self-appointed self-help gurus.

Indulge whilst gazing over the incessant photos of creepy looking middle aged men beaming their faces off (yes, you, Martin Seligman) and the Queen’s of Positivity struggling SO GODDAMN HARD to shift those botox’d wrinkles into something remotely smile-like (ahem, Louise Hay. And you know it’s coming Gretchen Rubin. If it hasn’t already. I can’t tell. Which probably means it has but by a very expensive New York surgeon)

Yep, for the most part, it is self-serving, egotistical nonsense. I will eat a self-help book, page by page, if I meet someone who successfully lives by Five Golden Rules To Happiness. HOWEVER, what I am beginning to see are the distinct lines of separation between this concept of happiness and that of well-being and peace of mind. Something I will spare you for now and save for Day 40!

ANYHOO. Back to the treacle topping of scientific studies. Day 38 is all about laughter.

As I am reliably informed by Bupa's Crack-Commando Health Information Team (I elaborate), laughter protects the heart by expanding blood vessels and improving blood flow. It boosts the immune system by increasing the amount of immunoglobulins (when they're not fighting Frodo in the fields of Mordor) that fight infection. Laughter reduces pain, reduces stress, reduces allergic responses, controls blood sugar levels, and lifts your mood. I love the comment after the final point - 'even if you have to force yourself to laugh'. I'm also particularly fond of their use of the words 'chuckle' and 'gaffaw'.

So a sunny day of laughing for me.

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