Thursday, 18 February 2010

Day 3 of all things happy

Posting this tonight because won't have time tomorrow...

THIS picture of Lady Gaga cheered me up no end. And I would very much like to give thanks to all possible deities that my happiness research lead me to this woman: Barbara Ehrenreich

Ehrenreich released the book ‘Smile or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World’ earlier this year and it is without doubt one of the most refreshingly subversive takes on popular philosophy (and it follows a back catalogue of similarly rebellious works).

I wanted to give up negative thinking for Lent but until now thought the whole positivity movement was superficial, lacking in substance and motivated by an underlying commercial gain. Misusing societal insecurities for financial profit. This is obviously entirely my opinion – there are countless stories online of how the positivity industry (as I shall now refer to it) has helped individuals through horrendous, life changing situations and that is something I would never wish to undermine. HOWEVER, for me personally, stumbling across Barbs is delightful.

In essence, she is against the ideology, or ‘mass delusion’ of positive thinking – the brainwashing of America that you should forever look on the bright side and as a consequence of not doing so berate yourself for feeling down. Barbs isn’t saying don’t feel positive or don’t try to be positive, simply don’t deny what you’re feeling. It’s a very pragmatic approach, and recognizes that the cult of individualism has had a detrimental impact on collective responsibility.

So it challenges the belief a positive attitude WILL lead to a positive life… and this is touching on so many philosophical foundations I’m going to stop thinking about it RIGHT NOW before my brain rots. One point I really want to focus on is from her blog, that happiness is an ‘inherently slippery thing to measure or define’. I’m at a tricky point now – the critical thinker in me says let's explore positive thinking from this perspective, with self-awareness and continuous questioning of methods used OR screw that and go naively and wholeheartedly into the rose tinted world of the positivity industry. What’s a girl to do to get happy?! Don’t answer that, I know what you’re thinking.

Without boring you with too much detail, being overly communicative paid off and I am now adjusting to permanent positivity pretty damn well. Minus a slight altercation with a bus driver it was another good day. Two major changes observed already – people around me seem to be responding well and that is awesomely motivating. Secondly, persistent happiness makes me persistently hungry. Clearly good moods burn more calories than wallowing.

Mission for today (again from
Get back to basics. Reconnect with old friends, take the dog for a walk, visit an art gallery or listen to your favourite music. Enjoy a long, relaxing bath, read a great book, tell your child a story, or ask an older relative to tell you one! The simplest things in life give us the most pleasure.

Well, I’ve reactivated my facebook account so that’s a start. I don’t have a dog, I haven’t got time to visit a gallery, and I don’t own a child (at least not as far as I’m aware). So, bath, books and… I’ll replace the others with Diet Coke, wine, chocolate, and laziness.

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