Thursday, 25 February 2010

Day 9 The Science Bit

I am in pure, unadulterated essay hell. Instead of the fun ‘isms’ I am surrounded by capitalism, Marxism, imperialism, postcolonialism. And quite frankly I am fed up with it. But DO NOT FRET I am still feeling wonderfully positive and in fact pretty happy that I succeeded at escapism. Of all the greatest escapes surely academia is up there with the best of them?!

However, because I like to do a thorough job of these day-missions, I have purchased an unhealthy amount of tabloid-esque magazines. As a result, I am well versed in the escapades of Cheryl and Ashley Cole, know precisely how our Tracy from Rotherham dropped three dress sizes in just as many days, and am completely ‘down’ with the various crimes against fashion in which poor celebs who probs just want to be sitting at home watching continuous episodes of Come Dine With Me are vilified for their WRONG choice of footwear. I know, I know, it’s drivel. But good drivel. AND, playing on insecurities of weight and fashion fuels capitalism, which is the marker within Marxism for the impetus for colonialism and indeed imperialism. Ta bloody da.

Which smoothly leads me on to today’s ism: Agathism.

This is, according to OED, “The doctrine that all things tend towards ultimate good, as distinguished from optimism, which holds that all things are now for the best”. And whilst we’re on the subject of dictionary definitions, I read this from “the agathist, less content with the present, nonetheless thinks things are inevitably tending towards good – ‘thought perhaps not’ as one dictionary explains, ‘along the best road’”

WHERE is this wonderfully subversive dictionary?! I want one.

SO, agathism lies somewhere between optimism and pessimism. Accepting that ‘evil’ exists and that bad things can happen to good people, it is all simply part of the process. Ultimately the road (the best road I ask you??) leads to Good Things. Ooh and humans are intrinsically Good People. Slightly suspicious of underlying religious ideology here but I get it.

Moving on... to quote the esteemed neurologist Jennifer Aniston, 'Here comes the science bit'

There is a strong neurological basis to all this - humans have an intrinsic ability to be positive and happy emotions stimulate specific parts of the brain. If a negative thought occurs, activity surrounding these parts is visibly reduced (visible on an MRI scan obvs, not with your own eyes you fool!) What is currently being explored is the concept that these parts of the brain can regenerate themselves based on your perception of the world now, regardless of a previous experience that might have caused intense negativity. This is pretty groundbreaking stuff if they achieve it and could do heaps for understanding depression. (Jus an ickle disclaimer - I am by no means a scientist and have a completely illogical brain, ergo... any mistakes with the above and quite simply I just don't care).

I guess at the heart of my ‘science bit’ is the fact that positivity is part of our wiring. I really like this - it's like optimism for realists. OH, and for one day only, THIS MAN might just be my soulmate.


  1. I think I'd give him 10 minutes... like agathism though, how do you catch it?

  2. Ha yep, sounds like a man who thinks waaaay too much. And as every good woman knows, that is definitely something to be avoided in a man.

    I'm not sure how you catch agathism but I intend to spend 24 hours finding out!

  3. that man needs a good wash and brush up, followed by a gaffer-taping (actually that sounds a bit rude - i merely meant to stop him talking/writing).

    as for agathism, suffice to say that i'm too impatient to be an agathist...
