I am BACK!
Couple of days off but am now Back On Form and willing to throw myself whole-heartedly into the wondrous world of positivity.
So what joyous project am I going to embark on today? Recently, I've been reading about fears after meeting someone ELSE (two people to date) who is scared of buttons. My extensive research led me to the knowledge there is literally a fear, and a ridiculous label, for everything. 'Arachibutyrophobia' is a snazzy little title for 'fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth'. Of course! My favourite, I think, after all this blogging, is 'Hellenologophobia' - Fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology.
Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers
Described by the the Independent as 'simple' (ha, I'm sorry, I should use this in context. 'Simple yet profound reasoning') this book is precisely what the title says it is: Facing Your Fears. According to Suze, we should face our fears but not let our fears stop us from doing Things We Want To Do in life. Having read the book you will, I am reliably informed by Suze herself, learn how to let go of the victim mentality, the secret of making 'no lose' decisions, how to expand your 'comfort' zone and how to create more meaning in your life. ALL THIS followed by '...and much more'. HOW much more is there Susan??!
Her website is incredible, not least because the entire thing is in comic sans font. She has a monthly newsletter, in which this month she, rather ironically, discusses 'pseudo-experts'. I'm literally biting my tongue. Susan looks like a Nice Woman and her book sales are exceptional but I just can't help be a tad cynical about someone who puts PhD after their name and has the quote 'Susan Jeffers is attractive, articulate, artfully commanding' (LA Times) on her website. OR EVEN someone who has both 'official biog' and 'unofficial biog' on the same page of the (official??) website?
But this isn't the good-hearted nature (deluded naivety?) I wanted to adopt today. Fundamentally, Suze encourages 're-educating' or 're-programming' negative thought patterns and learning how to both acknowledge and embrace fear in the hope that recognising fear will lead to overcoming fear. Forget positivity, now I'm sick of the word fear. HOWEVER - for today I will pick a fear and try to overcome it and see what happens...
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