Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Day 19 GWB, Pre-D.C, and Other Things

A Brief Summary of Recent Observations:

When in Italy, denial is futile. NEVER hesitate when crossing the road or be sure to experience a minor altercation with some yoof on a moped. Oh and mentally prepare yourself for a plethora of 80s distressed denim.

Easyjet truly is the great leveler.

When faced with the task of Confronting Fears, do not invent fears that you know will be easy to overcome. This is cheating.

Whilst soaking up the sparkling atmosphere and luxury interior of the Central Line first thing on a Monday morning, I found myself sitting next to a bit of an Odd Guy. Not only was there a rather unique smell emanating from him, but he was INCESSANTLY fidgeting which is not something I am fond of at the best of times, let alone P-DC on public transport (P-DC = Pre- Diet Coke. An internationally recognized, highly dangerous period of time)

However, he was reading a book that I thought - and my heart actually skipped a little with this thought - was a self-help book.

Well it was a self-help book but not of a Usual Type, or indeed a Good, Normal type. It was about something that I've toyed with discussing but generally avoided UNTIL NOW.

Odd Guy on Central Line was reading Keys to the Kingdom: And New Dimensions of Being by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. I don't even know how to start talking about this - whatever I say will be merely scraping the surface of lunacy.

Keys to the Kingdom is about the Great White Brotherhood which aligns itself with similar 'movements' within theosophical and New Age belief systems. It essentially falls under the same remit as a truckload of Dan Brown Novel Fodder such as Rosicrucianism and the Hermetic Order the Golden Dawn (my head hurts already). In a brief nutshell (and there are lots of nuts in this, trust me), the GWB believe in Higher Beings, or 'Ascended Masters', who transmit religious teachings through selected humans, or Heads of Cosmic Secret Service. Oh well damn shame that one, I always wanted to head up the cosmic secret service as a mortal messenger for insane preaching but looks like I missed out! IN THIS LIFETIME ANYWAY... Liz Prophet believed in 'the ascention' (reuniting your soul with God) WHICH apparently only occurs after several lifetimes (are we on Christianity or Buddhism right now Lizzy??) ONCE balancing 51% of more of the negative karma of the soul.

I need a Diet Coke.

What bothers me isn't that Liz Prophet sat down and wrote this stuff, it's that Odd Guy On Central Line is READING IT. Who else is reading it? Why is this a problem? Who really cares? Liz was a Very Wealthy Woman when she passed away (sorry, 'ascended') and does this surprise you? Does it? WELL I care, on many levels. The self-elected 'chosen few' not only take advantage of people but spread strong, disgusting racist and sexist assumptions. It's also, on a much more superficial level, just drivel. Eugh. I suppose I should try and weigh this argument up... if Odd Guy on Central Line is gaining something spiritual or worthwhile then who am I to criticize. It's just potentially Very Powerful Stuff hidden under a covert, esoteric disguise.

Ha rant over! So it's probs pretty clear I'm not keen to follow this for a day.

Gonna go all the way across the Lunacy Spectrum to the website thehappyguy.com. Written by David Leonhardt - The Happy Guy - this site is literally drowning in forced happiness. Tomorrow, I am going to indulge in delicately dissecting Dave's teachings. I'm actually happy just at the thought of that. BUT, for today as I DEAL WITH REALITY guys, I'm going to follow this line:

Do you have a song? Sing it. Do you have a book? Write and publish it. Do you have a plan? Make it happen

Just like that. In 24 hours.