Friday, 26 March 2010

Day 31 Mind Control

I've been sucked into the world of New Age debate and it ain't pretty. Louise Hay has FANS. Lots of them. As does Sylvia Brown, and the book The Secret (which I read eons ago, clearly made a big impression). It's a whole world of anti-intellectual, anti-science debate neatly packaged and shipped out. Why is it so popular and why does it work for so many people? It cuts against the grain of the establishment and control is placed into the hands of the individual. It is your thoughts that dictate how happy you are, health, wealth, future... it's effectively saying external, corporeal reality is a manifestation of thoughts. Your thoughts create your reality.

Thinking waaay too much about thoughts.

THE (living) GOD of philosophy (there are many gods of philosophy but most of them are dead and buried. OR ARE THEY JEREMY BENTHAM??) AC Grayling engaged in an ongoing debate yesterday with neuroscientist Anders Sandberg about the ethics of erasing memories.

As science gets closer to figuring out the nature of Bad Thoughts, it gets closer to the ability to remove Bad Thoughts. Last year, studies suggested that beta-blockers, normally used for high blood pressure, interfered with memory 'reconsolidation'. Taking the pill can, effectively, numb the intensity of a memory. It's not confined to beta-blockers; there are numerous drugs that can influence how memories take hold. The majority of this research concerns post-traumatic stress, particularly amongst soldiers. If a new memory is consolidated at a time when stress hormones are hitting a peak, it creates an emotionally charged, strong recollection that, consequentially, creates a seriously strong influence over life going forward.

The AC God Grayling and Anders debate discussed the importance of something to help deal with post-traumatic stress, but outside of the extreme, what impact could this have on everyday life? YES this means YOU! Your head could be a genuine Garden of Eden!! I have a whole heap of memories from last year I could happily do without thanks, but given the choice, I'd keep them. Life is indeed, Forrest, like a box of chocolates. How will you ever know how to avoid the rank liqueur ones that explode in your mouth like an out of date sherry trifle, and appreciate the hazelnut swirl?

Brain manipulating drugs create a whole heap of ethical complications. CAN YOU imagine the conspiracy theories surrounding suppression of cognitive freedom?! Maah... this is stuff way ahead and beyond me. Grayling suggested that one day in the future, our 7 foot tall, blonde, extremely clever descendants would no doubt look back on such debates are primitive.

SO - I've just realised today was supposed to be about Buddhism. Ironically in light of this post, I forgot... However, faced with a 12 hour car journey into the Scottish Highlands, I am going to maybe try a bit of meditating, maybe a bit of escapism, and without a doubt a bit of sugary indulgence.


  1. i heard that too! i was on the way back from feeding the hosses (what would bonzo do if faced with a philosopher?) and the thing i noticed over and above all of it (i was too dense to get my head around the ethical stuff) was that when james naughty couldn't get through to mr grayling on the phone he said "adrian - are you there?" but then went back to calling him "ac grayling" all the way through the interview.

    is the use of initials a philosopher thang or has mr grayling forgotten his first name?

  2. I know! maybs james naughty has worked his way into AC's exclusive inner circle. Do you reckon AC had a go about it post-debate? "James I thought we'd discussed this..."
