Monday, 1 March 2010

Day 13 Self Help Book Week Begins!

This little project has opened my mind to a excess of theories, philosophies, religions, and life lessons - not to mention the sheer scale and wealth of the Happiness Industry. I've swayed from mild to extreme disgust at the assumed authority of lifestyle gurus and motivational speakers, but had happy days by their words, and both struggled with and adored the vagueness of the Isms.

One of the most fundamental changes in my life post-Aug 09 is learning how to 'switch off' to The Media Machine. Much more on this later, but for now I'm using it as an example of something you can be exposed to - whether you like it or not, and the balance between what we consciously digest versus subliminally accept... SO, switching off from this takes one hell of a lot of mind control and the ability to Manage Your Environment. Is it through this control that you can effectively manage your happiness levels? WHICH got me thinking about levels of happiness in very controlled environments and isolated societies. WHICH in turn was perfectly summed up by THIS show - My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. It's incredible. It also led to me entertain thoroughly disturbing thoughts about wedding dresses. EUGH. (Note: whilst I respect this is their taste, I am by no means stylistically influenced by their choice of clothing. Not for me the enchanting princess dream of so many Swarovski crystals it WEIGHS MORE THAN THE BRIDE and a train the length of the M4).

ON TO THE FUN STUFF! Ha... not really, just teasing!

Having successfully completed the Week of Isms, and enjoyed it immensely, I am now embarking on the Week of Self-Help Books. Random book, random page, 24 hours, boom. Ha yep I've painted one hell of picture in this blog, mentally designing my future wedding dress AND a room littered with self-help books. Ahem.

Going to start off lightly with Stress Proof Your Life by Elisabeth Wilson. WHAT an endearing photo on the front Elisabeth! Two empty deck chairs facing towards the sea. Aww. One for me, and one for Mr. Right. Ha! Sorry.

Random page: 52

Err right, not expecting this from the first paragraph - 'If you're bored and fed up with life, you simply might not be stressed enough'?? But nope, her argument is that without stress there is no impetus to achieve, nothing to 'kick start' us. I'm assuming here she means a certain type of stress at a healthy level?

SO, task numero uno: recognise what gives you a kick and seek it out
"Next time you feel down in the dumps, don't head for the pub or turn to the biscuit tin. Get busy and up your stress levels. Set yourself a goal to be achieved by bed time. Tidying your desk, cooking a perfect souffle, making two calls you've been dreading"

Hmm. So her argument is that our bodies need feel-good chemicals on a regular basis, and if we don't get enough adrenaline we seek it out in artificial stimulants. Such stimulants - alcohol, chocolate, smoking for example, might make life 'more interesting' but apparently 'age you' whereas if you challenge yourself you can remain blissfully 'young and vital'.

This puts me in a quandary. There's a few Not Nice Things going on around me a la moment and I am very hesitant to deprive myself of said artificial stimulants. But jeez! Elisabeth is NAUGHTY! She's tapped into my eternal quest for youth and vitality! I don't wanna age! I want to be young and vibrant and full of (good?) stress! (How else will I ever find a husband?) So, I'll compromise with you Lissy... I'll 'cut down' on the Diet Coke and chocolate that usually cushions the blow of Monday and fill the gaping void with a new challenge. Can't think of one yet, hoping to be inspired, but I can say FOR SURE it will not be learning to bake the perfect soufflé.

1 comment:

  1. i loved the gypsy wedding programme! what a lot of spirit those folks had!

    shame about the souffle project - somehow making a perfect souffle seems like something one should know how to do...
